Simplicity Itself

Rank: 141
Points: 60
Puzzles solved: 6

Team Members:

Robert Tunney, Chenling Xu, Thomas Rembert, Sandra Hui, Amanda Mok, Saheela Ibraheem, Jared Bennett, Tal Ashuach

Day 1

Puzzle name Incorrect guesses Solve Time (PDT)
Puzzle of the Day (SOLVED) 2 March 14, 6:09:56 PM
Angry Portals (SOLVED) 6 March 19, 7:19:11 PM
Learn to Play
Zero Space (SOLVED) 0 March 14, 10:11:11 PM

Day 2

Puzzle name Incorrect guesses Solve Time (PDT)
What Do You Do? (SOLVED) 0 March 15, 3:23:22 PM
The Superbowl
Very Fun Logic Puzzle
How to Best Write an Essay 3
A Glistening Occasion 1

Day 3

Puzzle name Incorrect guesses Solve Time (PDT)
Puncturing Sensation 2
Retinal Variants (SOLVED) 0 March 16, 9:21:13 PM
X-ray Fish
Scramble for the Stars

Day 5

Puzzle name Incorrect guesses Solve Time (PDT)
dʒʌmbəl (SOLVED) 0 March 18, 6:44:59 PM
YOLO Queue

Day 6